How to Earn $CSV
Users can earn CB Coins within the Cassava application, which can then be converted into $CSV.
Acquire $CSV by receiving a designated OAT.
Becoming part of the community plan allows users to earn $CSV.
$CSV Utilities
$CSV holders will receive a portion of Cassava's revenue, the exact percentage of which will be determined by the DAO. Initially, a part of the platform's revenue will be allocated for $CSV buybacks. Being a crypto platform with a substantial user base, we believe that revenue sharing across the platform can establish a robust investment opportunity, offering stable currency and dependable returns for our users, particularly those in Africa.
$CSV holders can initiate or cast votes on DAO proposals. The purview of the DAO will incrementally expand over time, and we plan to progressively delegate to the community decisions on various aspects such as modifications to the rewards system and potential collaborations with new partners. We believe that empowered by the governance system, users will collaboratively shape a promising future for Cassava, reaping substantial benefits in the process of development and governance.
Token Allocation
Token Details
Total Supply:10,000,000,000
Token Name: Cassava Token
Token Ticker: $CSV
Last updated